Wensleydale Locks, 1 oz, Red, 4-5 inches, super clean, spinning, felting, fiber art, doll hair, nuno, art yarn 1009-01
Wensleydale Locks, 1 oz, Red, 4-5 inches, super clean, spinning, felting, fiber art, doll hair, nuno, art yarn 1009-01
1 oz gorgeous, short and curly Wensleydale separated locks. 4-5.5 inches long, on average.
These locks are soft and shiny, but the cut ends have grabbed onto each other a bit in areas. I’ve discounted them a couple dollars only because I’m annoyed I let that happen. The locks still separate and the cut ends still fluff out just fine.
These locks are perfect for lock spinning. They are also wonderful to add in here and there as you spin a batt or braid. Excellent for adding texture to your felting project. You can add them directly into your weaving for shots of special color and texture wherever you need them.
These locks are 100% product of NY, USA. From sheep lovingly raised on a small family farm in the southern tier, respectfully washed and dyed by me in my upstate NY home studio. The fleece was so, so clean, no matting or felting, really in pristine condition. Absolutely perfect for any project requiring well defined, clean, soft wool locks. Doll hair, texture to add in to your handspinning, weaving, or wet felting.